Born in the Mozart city of Salzburg and raised in the quiet village idyll between the Alps and the Bavarian Sea in Upper Bavaria, he moved to the cesspool of sin Berlin in 2016.


At the Berlin University of the Arts he consolidated his skills in the conception and realization of audiovisual formats. As a result, several short films, formats, as well as his graduation film Im Kino gewesen. Geweint. in which he explored Kafka's passage from one of his letters. Here he interviewed actors and actresses about their work and how much reality is film. 


In recent years, he has also supported other filmmakers, such as filmmaker Hermann Vaske on his Creativity Project. Most recently with the documentary Can Creativity Save the World? 


His strengths are in the conceptualization, planning and implementation of audiovisual projects. From music video to feature film.




© Urheberrecht 2024 Fabio Giuseppe Fritz Holub. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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